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Why ​sound ​healing

A holistic approach ​that allows self ​healing to happen ​naturally

During Sound healing, Tibetan bowls are placed on or ​around the body. When gently tapped they create soothing ​sound & vibration that penetrates deeply into the body.

As the brain waves slow down, the door to the ​subconscious opens up. While each person's experience is ​unique, many share similar experiences, such as a sense of ​altered time perception, vivid visualizations, or vibrant ​colors. Some may find themselves inspired with ​breakthrough ideas, remember long forgotten memories, or ​receive new insights. Others may find a safe space to release ​stuck emotions.

This hypnotic state of deep relaxation allows whole system ​to return to homeostasis. Benefits include relief from ​physical discomfort and pain, boosted immunity, better ​sleep, enhanced mental clarity, and more.

Our three ​pillars




Access deeper ​states of ​consciousness

During a sound healing ​session, we enter a ​meditative trance state that ​allows us to concentrate all ​our attention on the here ​and now. Being fully ​present with and for you ​opens up the space for ​greater healing.

We are very cognizant of ​the energy we bring to ​each session. We gather ​and ground ourselves ​beforehand so we can be ​present with calmness, ​compassion, and loving ​care.

To achieve maximum results, before every ​session we set a clear intention together. ​You may want to let go of something, find ​clarity about a certain issue, or alleviate ​physical pain.

The intention of the sound healing also ​determines the type of sound bath or ​treatment used.

We hand selected our ​Tibetan Sound Bowls ​from India - and brought ​them all the way to Oahu

“If you want to find ​the secrets of the ​universe, think in terms ​of energy, frequency, ​and vibration.”

- Nikola Tesla

Pisces Full Moon Ritual ​& Sound bath

Heartspace, Wailaua

Tuesday, September 16th - 5.30-7pm​

Full moon represents the peak of the lunar cycle. It’s when the ​moon is ​shining most of its light and we feel its energy the most. ​The full moon ​represents a time of completion and harvest and ​sometimes an opportunity ​to see what needs to be released.

Pisces is a water sign that brings up themes around intuition, ​dreams, and ​surrendering to the flow of life.

Tap into the highly intuitive and creative energies of this full ​moon to ​soothe and nourish yourself on a deeper level.

We will harness the energy of this cycle by using:

✨ Light movement and breathwork

✨ Journaling & intention setting

✨ Tibetan Sound Bath

✨ Full Moon Ritual

about us

We are Kenny and Maria Laura. On ​our second day of meeting we ​participated in a Tibetean sound ​healing group bath in Bali. An ​unforgettable experience.

Years later, we flew to India for a ​sound healing course. We were ​surprised about just how powerful ​these sessions were and how ​wonderful it felt to facilitate them.

After we found the right bowls in ​India, we started sharing what we ​learned in Italy before coming to ​Oahu.

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Waialua, Hi, 96791

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