Pisces Full Moon ​Ritual & Soundbath

Full moon represents the peak of the lunar cycle. It’s when the moon is ​shining most of its light and we feel its energy the most. The full moon ​represents a time of completion and harvest and sometimes an opportunity ​to see what needs to be released.

Pisces is a water sign that brings up themes around intuition, dreams, and ​surrendering to the flow of life.

Tap into the highly intuitive and creative energies of this full moon to ​soothe and nourish yourself on a deeper level.

Some of the questions to ask yourself during this time:

  • How can I balance practicality (sun in virgo) with allowing myself to ​trust and go with the flow (moon in pisces)?
  • Have there been any messages come through in my nightly dreams?
  • What’s my relationship to my spiritual practice right now?

Transparent Gradient Shade

Monday, 9/16


@ Heartspace, ​Waialua

We will harness the energy of this cycle by using:

✨ Light movement and breathwork

✨ Journaling & intention setting

✨ Tibetan Sound Bath

✨ Full Moon Ritual

Time & Location

Tuesday, September 16th

5:30pm - 7pm

Heartspace, at the Sugar Mill, Waialua

What to bring

Yoga mat

Blanket & pillow

Eye cover

Comfortable clothes for light yoga

Journal & pen

Black Gradient Background